The Ahousaht Holistic Center offers many traditional and modern healing programs.
Fax 250-670-9554
The Ahousaht Holistic Center offers many traditional and modern healing programs.
Fax 250-670-9554
David Frank, CHS Manager
Linda Tashoots, office manager
Darlene Dick, Alcohol & Drug
Linda Stealth, Clinical counsellor
Louie Frank Jr., Youth Counsellor
Marie Donahue, Justice worker
Selina Frank & Ramona Mark, Family Care workers
Julia Atleo, Youth Counsellor
Barb Atleo, Circle of Healing
Angeline Little, Pregnancy Outreach
The Representative for Children and Youth supports children, youth and families who need help in dealing with the child-serving system, provides oversight to the Ministry of Children and Family Development and advocates for improvements to the child-serving system.
Provides education, consultation, and treatment for children and youth up to age 18 who experience mental health challenges and their parents. Services are free, voluntary and confidential. Appointments availalble in Tofino and Ucluelet. For more information or to make a referral call the CYMH intake worker.
The Children Who Witness Abuse Counselling Program offers: - Individual or group counselling for the child or youth - Support for the parent or caregivers
When it concerns abuse, anyone can call the Helpline for Children ... anytime, day or night. Simply dial "310-1234 (no area code needed)".
Behavioural Consultant Referrals Programming for special needs children/adults
The Community Youth Worker Program Offers: Individual or group counselling for the child or youth Support for the parent or caregivers
Provides counselling for youth who are experiencing difficulties related to their own or another person's alcohol or other drug use, as well as support for parents of adolescents regarding substance use concerns
supports at-risk families and youth in making positive lifestyle choices and in strengthening their parenting skills.
Ed Mack
- Child protection Services (off of Reserve and to non Nuu –chah-Nulth Aboriginal People off of Reserve)
- Youth probation Services (On and Off of reserve)
- Child and Youth with Special needs – Developmental Disabilities, Autism Services and “At Home Services” (On and off of Reserve)
- Adoption Services (off of Reserve)
- Fostering and Recruitment Services (Off of Reserve)
For child protection concerns or to request family support services, phone (250) 720-2650, and ask for the Intake Social Worker for the Day.
For new CYMH referrals, phone (250) 720-2650 and ask for the CYMH Intake worker. For West Coast requests, contact the Port Alberni office at (250) 720-2650.
For CYSN, including services for children with a diagnosis of a Developmental Disability or Autism, please contact Barb Gulewich or Paul Shepherd at (250) 720-2650.
If you know that MCFD is already involved with the child, please tell the receptionist, who will then put you in touch with the worker responsible for the file.
For callers from out of town, please call the toll-free number: 1-866-823-4249.
Recreation programs, Ucluelet Community Centre rentals, community events and information.
Abby Fortune, Recreation Director
We deliver a broad range of high-quality educational and interpretive programs, such as interpretive walks, seminar series, school programs, and slideshows focused on the natural environment, cultures, and communities of the Clayoquot and Barkley Sound region. We also bring outside educators and experts to our region for programs and presentations.
Dan Harrison, Executive Director,
Brady Clarke, Education Coordinator,
Main secondary school on the West Coast.
fax 250-726-7710
Carol Sedgwick, Principal
Mike Rhodes, Vice-principal
Linda Marshall, NTC Counsellor
Corrine Corlazzoli, Secretary
Literacy programss and support for all communities through the Coastal Family Resource Coalition
Coastal Family Resources Society (CFRC) Community Developer
Literacy Coordinator
Drop-in hours or appointment in Ucluelet or Tofino, surrounding communities by appointment. All services are free & confidential Community Youth/Family Support, Outreach Workers, Women's & Children's Counsellors
Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet BC
After school child and youth programs and licensed after-school care programs.
Young Life leaders are committed to friendships with kids - no strings attached. Leaders spend time with kids playing road hockey, going to the mall, watching a basketball game, heading to the ski hill - leaders go to where the kids are and enter their world. We are all about communicating God's love to kids in terms they can understand. We welcome all teenagers; both junior and senior high, regardless of race or religious beliefs. Young Life values and respects all young people, and strives to make them all feel welcomed and accepted.
Family, care, worker, health, nurse, community, child, youth, counselling, tele health
Fax 250-726-7396
Veronica Williams,Clerk/Reception Gloria Valentine, Family & Child services Michelle Eng, CHN Debra Mundy Social Development Admin. Pre-school, Vicki Touchie & Connie Mundy
Nasuksap Hawiih (Strengthening Our Men) Culture Group
Homework Club for High school and Elementary students
SD70 VAST Alternative Education for high school completion
Transition support for Adult Grads into Post-Secondary institutions
Don Jitsu Martial Arts
‘Art Attack’ art program for youth
First Nation Parents Club
Shawl Making workshops for Cultural Dance group
Youth and Learning Centre
Alysson Thicke (Child and Youth Worker)
Nicole Thompson (VAST teacher)
Kleri Venizelos (Adult Ed Teacher)