The Ahousaht Holistic Center offers many traditional and modern healing programs.
Fax 250-670-9554
The Ahousaht Holistic Center offers many traditional and modern healing programs.
Fax 250-670-9554
David Frank, CHS Manager
Linda Tashoots, office manager
Darlene Dick, Alcohol & Drug
Linda Stealth, Clinical counsellor
Louie Frank Jr., Youth Counsellor
Marie Donahue, Justice worker
Selina Frank & Ramona Mark, Family Care workers
Julia Atleo, Youth Counsellor
Barb Atleo, Circle of Healing
Angeline Little, Pregnancy Outreach
The Children Who Witness Abuse Counselling Program offers: - Individual or group counselling for the child or youth - Support for the parent or caregivers
Individual and couples counselling
Ann Malach, MA