Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA), 265 1st Street Tofino, apts available in Ucluelet
Open Monday - Friday, 9 am - 1 pm
Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA), 265 1st Street Tofino, apts available in Ucluelet
Open Monday - Friday, 9 am - 1 pm
Provide home & community care, Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI), workshops, meetings, patient travel based on referral to see specialists out of town, train the trainers programs, education & training, home visits, hospital visits, community luncheons, collaboration & strategizing with other TFN service providers, traditional healing practises/cleansing, traditional medicines, one on one counselling, group therapy, art therapy, massage & fitness programs.
Health Director & Health Worker: 250-725-3338
Medical Clerk: 250-725-3262
Nora Martin, Health Director
Corinne Ortiz Castro, Community Health Worker
Carol Tom, Medical Clerk
Personal Care Aide- Vacant
Hospital Lab 725-4006
Health Records fax 725-4014
Fax 250-726-4403
Naomi Mack, recep...726-4230/fax 4403
Gary Johnsen, Nation Administrator
Education Coordinator, Ann Mack
Noreen Frank, CHR
Lisa Morgan, GIS & Membership
Kevin Mack, Financial Manager
David Johnsen, Technical Support & Fisheries
Kirsten Johnsen, Communications
To connect toll-free to any government service. Available 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.
Contact for diabetes resources.
Port Alberni Health Unit
Conradi Building, 311 Neill St, Tofino BC
Dr. James Jameson, DDS
Assessment, treatment and referral for adults experiencing mental health and substance use issues.
To access services please call 250-726-1282.
Walk-in Schedule:
Tuesdays 1-4pm TGH office
Wednesdays 1-4 Ucluelet office
Thursdays 1-4pm Ucluelet office
Early Recovery Group – please call for information.
Family, care, worker, health, nurse, community, child, youth, counselling, tele health
Fax 250-726-7396
Veronica Williams,Clerk/Reception Gloria Valentine, Family & Child services Michelle Eng, CHN Debra Mundy Social Development Admin. Pre-school, Vicki Touchie & Connie Mundy
Provides support and education for individuals living with HIV and/or hepatitis C through their Positive Wellness Program.
Through Tofino Hospital - Home and Community Care
By appointment clinic.
Fax: 250-725-3215
220 First Street
Tofino, BC
V0R 2Z0
2 Full-Time doctors, 1 Part-Time doctor. By appointment only.
1566 Peninsula Road
Ucluelet, BC
V0R 3A0
Dr. John O'Brien
Dr. Carrie Marshall
Dr. Luke Williston
Fax 250-670-2517
Visiting Dr Monday to Thursday
Lisa Thomas, Receptionist
Savannah Sam, Community Health Nurse: 250-670-9608
Karen Frank, CHR: 250-670-9608
Pre/post Natal, Karen Bernard in public health Tofino
Physio Therapist
Ucluelet Service BC available services are:
Office Hours:
Monday to Friday 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Closed daily, 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM
Fax: 250-726-7211
5 - 1636 Peninsula Road Box 609. Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0
Annameika Lee, Government Agent
Brigitte Rudan, Senior Customer Service Representative
Recreation programs for children, youth, and adults
Community events
Park and Facility Planning/Management
Laura Lunty- Recreation Programmer (
Kyla Emery- Recreation Assistant (
The Vancouver Island Crisis Line is committed to bringing mental health wellness to all communities of Vancouver Island by providing accessible, 24 hour, 7 days a week, emotional telephone support during times of crisis, including connection to the Mental Health Crisis Professionals when required, and information about community resources. We value the principles of confidentiality, non-judgmental acceptance, and respect for diversity, personal empowerment and cooperation.
Online Emotional Support - Anouther service newly added to increase access to support services, there is now a link called, 'Chat Now' on our webpage,, that will allow someone to begin connecting. Available every night, 7 days a week, from 6pm to 10pm. Chat creates a safe online venue where people can reach out for help. This will be an outlet for populations traditionally hard to engage in face-to-face mental health care such as teens, those who are homebound, people with social anxieties and phobias, and people with hearing or speech impairments.
Additional Contact Information:
1-800-Sucide (784-2433) 310-6789 Mental Health Information Line
Crisis Chat – online emotional support,, 7 days a week, 6:00pm-10:00pm
Heather Owen, Promotions & Community Relations Coordinator
RMT only massage
Monday - Thursday
11 - 1636 Penninsula Road, Ucluelet
Mackenzie Alsager, RMT Cleo Tetrault, RMT
381 Main Street Tofino on Wednesdays and Fridays
Dr. Gordon Costigan, OD
#11-636 Peninsula Road
Ucluelet, BC
V0R 3A0