Counselling for women who have experienced violence Outreach services for women and their children; support and advocacy Appointments in Tofino or Ucluelet Free & confidential
Assists families with a special needs child: medical, cognitive, physical, behavioural, language or requiring extra supports to attend daycare. Ages 0-13, consultation and service no charge
Laurie Hanna
By appointment clinic.
Fax: 250-725-3215
220 First Street
Tofino, BC
V0R 2Z0
The Clayoquot Biosphere Trust (CBT) was established in 2000 to assist the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve communities achieve their visions by providing funding and logistical support for research, education and training initiatives that promote conservation and sustainable development. The CBT is a member of the Community Foundations of Canada in 2012. As the region’s community foundation, the CBT works with individuals and organizations to build a region where all residents can succeed, contribute and develop their talents to their fullest potential.
The CBT has an annual Call for Projects where communities, educational institutions and registered charities are invited to submit proposals for funding. The CBT funds a wide variety of projects in four categories: Culture and Events, Youth and Education, Community Development, and Research and Environment.
The CBT produces Vital Signs, a biennial “community check-up,” that measures the vitality of our communities, identifies significant trends and supports action on issues that are critical to our quality of life. You can find the most recent report at:
FAX: 250-725-2384
P.O. Box 67, 316 Main Street, Tofino
Rebecca Hurwitz - Managing Director
Adrienne Mason - Research Coordinator
Tabitha McGregor - Administrative Assistant
The Vancouver Island Crisis Line is committed to bringing mental health wellness to all communities of Vancouver Island by providing accessible, 24 hour, 7 days a week, emotional telephone support during times of crisis, including connection to the Mental Health Crisis Professionals when required, and information about community resources. We value the principles of confidentiality, non-judgmental acceptance, and respect for diversity, personal empowerment and cooperation.
Online Emotional Support - Anouther service newly added to increase access to support services, there is now a link called, 'Chat Now' on our webpage,, that will allow someone to begin connecting. Available every night, 7 days a week, from 6pm to 10pm. Chat creates a safe online venue where people can reach out for help. This will be an outlet for populations traditionally hard to engage in face-to-face mental health care such as teens, those who are homebound, people with social anxieties and phobias, and people with hearing or speech impairments.
Additional Contact Information:
1-800-Sucide (784-2433) 310-6789 Mental Health Information Line
Crisis Chat – online emotional support,, 7 days a week, 6:00pm-10:00pm
Heather Owen, Promotions & Community Relations Coordinator
For those in need of transportation to outside medical care.
1894 Bolt Avenue
Comox, BC
Ucluelet Clinic:
PO Box 347
#11-1636 Peninsula Road
Ucluelet, BC V0R 3A0
Phone: 250-726-2220
Tofino Clinic:
381 Main Street
Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0
Phone: 250-726-2220
Flores Island Clinic:
Ahousaht Monthly
Contact Karen Frank
Hot Springs Cove:
Every 2 months
Dr. Ron G. K. Norman, B.Sc.(Hons), M.Sc., D.C.
Crisis Information
Variety BC
Variety – the Children’s Charity, has helped children with special needs across British Columbia since 1966 to thrive. We accomplish this by providing direct help to children and their families. Variety provides funding for specialized therapies (e.g. speech & language, occupational, physical, counseling), mobility equipment, medical equipment and educational bursaries. As of 2021, we also provide funding for private autism assessments. Please visit our website or contact us directly to learn more.
4300 Still Creek Drive, Burnaby, BC V5C 6C6
Foundry Virtual BC
Foundry Virtual BC offers free mental health and wellness support for youth ages 12-24 and their caregivers anywhere across BC. Services available include counselling & peer support, groups, substance use services, primary care, employment services and Indigenous wellness services. To access virtual services please download the Foundry BC app and register for an account or visit You can also with any questions.